If you realize that you will be unable to complete a Gig or simply change your mind, then navigate to the “Applied” section in the My Gigs section of the app, select the Gig that you would like to withdraw from and tap the “Withdraw Application” button at the bottom of the page (this can only be done before your application has been approved).
Withdrawing an application will not affect your Performance score, but please note: the gig will not show up again for you to re-apply later. Withdrawing from a Gig prevents you from ever being able to claim that same gig.
After your application for a Gig has been approved, you can withdraw from the Gig. However, repeatedly withdrawing from Gigs you have been approved for may negatively affect your Gigwalk Performance score. Also, you will not currently be able to re-apply for the gig after withdrawing.
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