If any of your recently submitted gigs have been approved but you have not yet received your payment, please be sure that your PayPal account is able to receive funds.
We have found that some users, specifically located in India, may need to upgrade their PayPal account and complete the KYC (Know Your Customer) process before you can receive payments from Gigwalk.
You may have also received an email from PayPal similar to the one below:
We have noticed that someone is trying to pay you but hasn’t been able to, since your account hasn’t been enabled for receiving payments.
To receive payments, you need to upgrade your account and provide certain additional details. It’s just a few simple steps and can be completed in 5 minutes.
Step 1: Login to your PayPal account and upgrade your account. Upgrading your account is totally free.
Step 2: Ensure your account is compliant by entering a few details such as your PAN card, Bank etc. Confirm your email address if you have not already done it.
Step 3: In case there is a payment that you were expecting which is still pending, please request the sender to re-initiate the payment after completing the above steps.
Please ignore this email if you have already completed the above steps or already receiving payments successfully.
Once you’re done, you are ready to receive payments and enjoy all benefits including fraud prevention and multiple seller tools.
If you have questions about any of these changes or your account, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.
Team PayPal
You may also find these PayPal links helpful for resolving this problem with your account:
What is the KYC Procedure
Complete your KYC
Once you have updated your PayPal account, please contact community@gigwalk.com with your Gigwalk email address so that we can retry your payment.
- Gigwalk Support
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