Doing and Submitting Your Work
- Gig has no physical address listed
- How do I add photos?
- What if I can't find what I'm looking for?
- How many gigs can I claim at a time?
- Why was I asked to update my work?
- What do I do if I get a message from a customer?
- Where do I complete the gig if it says "Anywhere in..."?
- Offline Mode
- Why wasn't I reimbursed for a required purchase?
- What should I do if my timer is running out and I need more time in order to complete my work?
- What if I can't find the business at the gig pin?
- Do I even need to answer the "Optional" questions?
- What do I do if the client asks me to do something that wasn't in the instructions?
- Why was I removed from the gig?
- What if the business is shut down?
- What do I do if I submit my Gig by accident before I was finished?
- What if I need to be removed from a Gig?